Our Impact

How we work



  • Carmen Esteban, Presidenta
  • Francisco Antonio García, Vice-presidente
  • Consuelo Roy, Vocal
  • Olga Royo, Vocal y Secretaria
  • Luis Navarro Cameo, Vocal

We organize activities for the diffusion of music through concerts, festivals, competitions and scholarships to promote young talents. We collaborate with other cultural and social institutions to achieve our goals. We are in contact with artists, teachers, researchers, composers, and other artistic creators and other areas of music. Our ambassadors collaborate in the diffusion of our activities.

We have released music from more than 8,000 people and promoted young musicians in Spain…

Our activities

Festival Internacional de Panticosa «Tocando el Cielo»

Annual activity that takes place during the end of July and the beginning of August in the Balneario de Panticosa, located between mountains at 1650 meters above sea level. Artists and musicians come from all over, live together with young people who want to keep together with them unique experiences and experiences around music.
More information: festivalpanticosa.com

Grupo Residente «Tocando el Cielo»

Selection of a Chamber Music group to participate as a resident group of the Panticosa International Festival. Throughout the following year, the Foundation makes a work of mentoring to professionally promote the activities of selected young musicians.

FIP Chamber Music Competition

Annual competition for Chamber Music groups for young people under 30 years of age. The winning groups obtain scholarships, and promotion in diverse cycles of Spanish concerts.

Música entre amigos

Música entre amigos es una actividad que va más allá del concierto habitual. En espacios privados y a petición de los interesados, se organizan actividades musicales íntimas, donde el contacto entre músicos y público va más allá. A semejanza de las soirées musicales se organizan pequeños encuentros en los que además de escuchar música en directo, se puede charlar, intervenir durante la interpretación de los músicos, e incluso compartir un vermut concierto elaborado en torno a un programa musical.


La Editorial Fundación García Esteban se encarga de difundir nuevas obras musicales y aquellas de recuperación histórica, tanto en formato papel como digital.

Otras actividades

La Fundación organiza conferencias, charlas de coaching musical, o de acompañamiento profesional. Participa en forums nacionales e internacionales, así como colabora en publicaciones de interés.

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